Malone Wealth manages its client's money differently. We adapt. Too often we will get calls from people saying "my accounts seem to never move" , "I never hear from my financial advisor", or "My investments haven't changed in 20 years". These are the results of a firm getting complacent in their past success and refusing to adapt to new market trends. The investment world is changing faster than ever, year-after-year, and we believe your investments should as well.
Blockchain Technology & Web3
Artificial Intelligence & Augmented Reality
Renewable Energy & Agriculture Tech
Web3 & Metaverse/NFTs
Short Squeezes & Momentum Trades
EV Start-ups & Space Exploration
Ride-Sharing & Cyber Security
These are just a few examples of the changing investment world and we're on top of it. Our team focuses its extensive research on developing market trends, technical analysis, early innovative technology, and tax-advantaged investing.
At Malone Wealth we take a different approach to growing your wealth. We adapt.